Wednesday, August 15, 2012


(Early Drafts)


In the late 20th century unprecedented shifts begin to occur in the scientific community.  The first phases where fine line fractures in tucked away sections of erudite fields. Like a small chip in a windscreen from a stray pebble they began to splay and multiply, divide and fog the base of beliefs.  These divisive pebbles of knowledge where the result of strange contortions in mathematics;  odd observations of fascinating, often beautiful patterns, that where immutable, and seemingly Omni present.  Fractals, Fibonacci, Strange attractors, phase space, where all catch phrases which birthed as mere amusements to many in the halls of academia soon mushroomed into fundamental premises that blueprinted the abstract beginnings of nearly all that we thought of as order. 

The human mind craves this order, longs for the ability to see patterns and discern their meaning.  All of the sciences grew up on this premise.  From Ptolemaic perfect concentric spheres, to the calculable motions of Tyco Brahe's elliptical orbits, order and reasonable explanation where the rule.  It was as if the paradigm of all discovery must fall within reasonable limits; that man should by virtue of their place in the universe be able to use the rules of mother nature against herself to define all knowledge in clear terms.  The universe was designed for us to measure.  Galileo with pendulums and parabolas, Newton with mass and the inverse square law, all seemed to validate our supremacy in calculation and intuition.  The order around us would bow to mans intellect.  The inexplicable is not beyond explanation, rather it is just out of reach of current structures of science . . . at least until the emergence

The emergence began in the 1960 with Edward Lorenz fiddling with toy weather patterns.  From that stemmed the fundamental truth that projecting the behavior of complex systems was reliant upon accurate understanding of initial conditions.  The “Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?” became the tag line for the inability to extend predictions or forecasts beyond very confined limits.  This inability to extrapolate data infiltrated other areas of mathematics, technology and science, marginalizing the validity of linear patterns or what many would consider common sense predictions.  If a extraordinarily large earthquake happens today, despite what years of data suggested, it was just as likely to occur again tomorrow.  The old school grimaced, this was not the world as they decided it should be, this could not be true - but it was.

Human nature is such that those that devote a lifetime to a belief set and worldview are disinclined to allow the marginalization of their work.  Shifts in Paradigm come with great upheaval and struggle equal to the depths of the roots being up turned.  As a result internal fissured grew and festered for over 25 years dividing the intellectual communities into islands of beliefs.  Some doggedly adhering to old methods and views, dismissing their rigidity to necessity of working from the known.  Others, often of the younger generation, allowed these new mediating discoveries to saturate the base of their fresh work and open up gateways to new potentialities.  From such polarized perspectives came smoldering angst and subtle innuendo as the old academia rallied to set up bulwarks to defend their once impregnable edifices of truth.  Some yielded in mass such as meteorologist and geologists, while others remained hold outs or septic of the new, often "too simple" revelations.

Amidst the babble, wading through the carnage where the calculating, unscrupulous, vultures; the opportunists driven by the economics rather then the implications.  With any war, be it a one between nations, or one of paradigms, the vultures smelled money and with blind efficiency worked to monetize the new discoveries.  One such manifestation was Shadow Waters. 

Shadow Waters was formed in 1996.  The son of a former senator and ex-officer in the delta force, Jack Minter with unprecedented velocity matured the largest private military company in North America.  As the preeminent recipient of capitol from the US State Department for military contractors Shadow Waters received immense capitol resources, many of which where ear marked as "black budget."  Like the meteoric rise of a star of intense luminance and mass, Shadow Waters demise came with extraordinary fallout. 

With the dissolution of Shadow Waters in 2007 due to public outcry relating to alleged strong handed techniques in Iraq and Afghanistan some of its resource allocation was leaked to the public by disgruntled insiders.  Although incomplete, over one-hundred and twenty thousand pages of heavily redacted documents poured onto the internet over a period of months. 

Amidst the slurry of documents came to light an immense facility, previously ignored or overlooked just a 30 minuet Blackhawk ride outside NORAD in Colorado Springs.  There behind a concrete curtain that circled a 30,000 acre complex leaked documents hinted at “cell division”, “phase space reallocation”, “error catastrophe management”, “epistatic coupling”, with large portions redacted under the enigmatic heading of “Operator, Repressor Mitigation and Efficacy.”

The complex was quickly seized by the US State Department and Department of Defense, further heightening the mystery, until in 2009 an official inquiry was begun and after an intense period of 18months of legal jostling and independent panel was commissioned to inspect and report on the facility and its viability as what was officially described as a "humanitarian biological research operation."

Jack Minter refused public comment on the facility, and its existence was conveniently overlooked in the congressional review and Minters testimony that followed the dissolution of Shadow Waters.  Minter though, not more then 6 months after was quietly brought on as senior advisor to DeNgenA, a biological and pharmaceutical company based out of San Diego.  As a private company Minters official roll there was never disclosed, and after a brief flicker of conspiracy theorists blew out Minters interaction with the public became limited to his intermittent sightings in Del Mar California, in his not so discrete apple red Ferrari Berlinetta

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